Pandemic Life

The Dumbs of Laramie County

A look into the root cause of vaccine hesitancy the spread of misinformation and the resulting lag on a community’s fight against covid-19. This video showcases actual quotes from uninformed, conspiracy minded, self righteous residents of Laramie County, WY. Hereby known as the “Dumbs” of Laramie County.

Healthcare Heroes

Oxford dictionary defines a Superhero as a benevolent character with superhuman powers.  Upon examination we see Healthcare workers embody the definition flawlessly. In their daily routines before the pandemic they stood ready to drop everything to save a life.  The ceaseless passion to help others may have been a small inconvenience to themselves.  Maybe dropping some groceries to perform CPR, sacrificing pool time to resuscitate a child or missing an appointment to bandage a stranger’s wound.  When there is a need, they seemingly come out of nowhere to perform their lifesaving fetes.  

In the pandemic era healthcare workers have never experienced the threat presented by Covid-19.  Hospitals reaching capacity teetering on collapse force countless healthcare workers to work without rest under tremendous mental, physical and emotional strain.  The stresses created by this pandemic are unparalleled in the human experience.  The ability for these workers to keep going with these pressures reveals superhuman strengths which are not widely available in the human psyche.  This video aims to communicate that we do live among superheroes.  These real life superheroes will save our lives, mend our bodies and care for us in our time of need.  

Our Healthcare Heroes and our hospitals need our support.  In Wyoming some of our wealthiest citizens, well known captains of industry, and entertainment.  From Kanye West to Rupaul are called upon to make financial donations to their local hospitals as they teeter on collapse. 

Recognizing the bravery and valor these healthcare workers employ daily, we must also see the twin disasters of mask & vaccine resistance.  These disasters create an additional weight borne by these heroes.  For those who need additional motivation to follow the health mandates established in their states, they are encouraged to consider the added staring they saddle upon our healthcare workers as it them that bear the consequence of their resistance.  

Some People Hate Masks

In our era science is under attack.  The effectiveness of masks has been widely debated and proven over and over again.  With Donald Trump discouraging mask use, lying about effectiveness and removing his mask upon his release from Walter Reed for his own Covid treatment while still contagious made the problem worse.  The basic tenant of mask usage is to protect those around you while offering some protection to yourself.  This concept of protecting others was rejected by those with hyper-individualist and racists tendencies.   As Americans processed this debate mask usage declined heavily in Republican majority states and districts.  In these areas people who valued safety in public may be asking themselves “is this really the land from which I came?”, one in which the violation of ones own personal safety was normalized.  It was clear, they truly “don’t care about us”.  The lack of respect for the safety of others and hatred for those who ma be different got all confused and mixed up until we look around and say “Some People Hate Masks”.

Covid Fatigue Setting In

Underground parties across the nation are driving local surges.  As activities like these prolong the pain for everyone the threat to our own mental health has never been has never been greater.  This video has some important tips and strategies to maintain a sound state of mind.  Important messages on self assessment, and encouragement to reflect on what your experience is.

How to Ask and Anti-Masker to Wear a Mask

This video advocates a vigilante approach to encourage compliance with mask mandates.  Martin Luther King perfected public shaming of white supremacist proving the effectiveness of public shaming to change behavior.

Mask disputes are bad situations for everyone. The masker, anti masker and employees will all be caught in these conflicts and the two latter need advice on how to embrace these bad situations, essentially to make the bad situation your friend.  Preparing for this conflict is something everyone needs to do.  You cannot predict what an anti-masker may da that trigger you.  This video aims to better prepare viewers for this inevitable meeting. Walking the tight rope between de-escalation and total annihilation through public shaming this video offers tips, strategies and advice on navigating these conflicts, culminating with a  dual message of encouragement to stand up for yourself and the ultimate solution the anti maskers must embrace.